There is no central list of careers events insurance companies attend. However, information about careers events at your university will be made publicly available by your institution to all its students. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find this information.

Identify an event near you.
Each university uses a different careers fair management platform. Larger providers include Handshake or TargetConnect. You'll need to identify the platform and sign up to it as a first step.
Type in '[your institution] + careers fair' to find your university's careers fair listing.
Sign up to the platform if this is your first time using it and log in.
Select a careers fair event. If your university hosts specialist careers fairs rather than a single central fair, select the event relevant to the insurance industry.
You may be able to filter all attendees. If this is possible on your platform, select 'Insurance' as your primary filter.
You should now have a list of all insurance companies attending the event you have selected.
My university doesn't have a careers platform! If this is the case, the best way to find out who is attending is to get in touch with your careers service directly to ask them who will be there. Careers services often advertise a central contact email address and contact details on their page on your university's website.
I'm a Sabbatical Officer! You may not be considered students by their university and some Officers may therefore not have access to their careers platform. In this case, it is either best to ask a fellow student to help out by using their student account or alternatively, contact your careers service asking to set up an Alumni account.
Find a target.
Not all insurance companies are targets. There are 3 company lists most relevant for the Insure Tomorrow campaign: the top 11 fossil fuel insurers, the top 20 Lloyd's managing agents and insurance marketing companies. You can find lists for those below.
The top 11 fossil fuel insurers (ordered by amount of fossil fuel underwriting)
Lloyd's of London
The top 20 Lloyd's managing agents (ordered by lack of policies against fossil fuel underwriting).
Atrium Underwriters
AEGIS Managing Agency
Ascot Underwriting
RenaissanceRe Syndicate Management
Chaucer Syndicates
RiverStone Managing Agency
Argo Managing Agency
Liberty Managing Agency
MS Amlin Underwriting
Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates
Hiscox Syndicates
Brit Syndicates
Beazley Furlonge
Talbot Underwriting
Canopius Managing Agents
QBE Underwriting
AXIS Managing Agency
AXA XL Underwriting Agencies
Argenta Syndicate Management
Munich Re Syndicate
Insurance marketing companies (undertake recruitment on behalf of the London Insurance Market).
London Insurance Life
London Market Group
London Market Students' Group
My careers fair attendee is on the list! Get in touch with us today using this form. If you have identified a company attending a careers event near you which features on our lists, we would love to support you with your action. A contact form is available for you to fill out at the bottom of our all main website pages.